Nov 2014 05

Hey Guys!

Do you need a little help in the men’s beauty department?
If so, it’s OK, I’m here to help.
Women are very observant. We notice everything about a man’s appearance.
These things influence our decision to date you, or take you as a lover.
So, if you want to improve your status with the ladies; or if you want to be sexier for that special lady- this is the post for you.
Here are the basics:
Women like men that smell good,
Women like men that take pride in their appearance. 
Women like men that are clean and well groomed.
Guys, if you can follow these 3 basic guidelines to men’s beauty and grooming then there is hope for you!
A well groomed man is a sexy man. These male beauty and grooming tips will keep you manly, but make you sexier!

Let’s get started!


Tip #1

Get Rid Of Dry, Rough Skin

(hands that are too manly, are not sexy!)

So, your the guy with the “rugged” good looks, but you also have dry, rough hands. Sorry to tell you- but this is not good!
Here’s the problem-Although you may be delightful to look at, women cringe on the inside when you touch them with rough hands.
Guys, your hands should not feel like cheese graters. 
Women want to be touched by a man with soft hands. They don’t have to be baby soft, but they should not feel like sandpaper!
Guys, you need to find a safe and effective way to moisturize your dry, rough skin.
You don’t need an elaborate skin care regimen. Just warm up a little unrefined coconut oil or jojoba oil in your hands and apply that anywhere you have dry skin. Or, invest in a good moisturizing body-lotion.
Lotioning the entire body is a plus!
Mens beauty tips 2
If you want to go the extra mile; you can give the absorption a boost and increase your moisture intake by removing the top layer of dead, dry skin cells from your hands or body first.
Sprinkle a little baking soda into your regular face cleanser or shower gel (also you can add the baking soda to your hands each time you wash your hand instead of putting it directly into your cleanser bottle).



Tip #2

Improve the look of your Skin

(get the skin everyone woman wants to touch)

Cleansing your face with an exfoliant gets rid of dead skin particles and leaves your face feeling smoother and looking great. It can also help prevent black heads, acne, and ingrown hairs. The apricot scrub shown below doesn’t cost a lot money, and it works nicely to clean skin and minimize pores.

This stuff works great.


Apricot Scrub

This stuff works great.



Tip #3

Minimize Wrinkles

(keep it tight & masculine) 

Keeping your skin exfoliated (scrubbed), and moisturized will do a lot to minimize and prevent wrinkles.
The real key to youthful skin, though, is your diet (and hydration, of course).
What not to eat:
  • Cut back on meat and dairy products, which can age your skin. If you don’t think you’ll ever completely give up your “meat and potatoes” type of diet, you don’t have to. Just eat less meat (no more than once per day), and look for grass-fed animals, these are organic options.
  • Skip coffee and caffeinated tea because they can dehydrate your skin, among other problems.
  • Sugar and artificial sweeteners. Use Stevia or raw honey instead.
  • Fried foods (this one’s a no-brainer, right?)
What to eat more of:
  • Cabbage. It contains tons of vitamin C and some vitamin A, too, both of which help erase lines. It also detoxifies the blood, and the fiber helps push waste and toxins out of the body. Too many toxins in your body can actually show up on your face, making you look older than you are. Try eating some raw sauerkraut before dinner a few times per week.
  • Eat, or drink, pears to get rid of nasolabial folds. Just be sure you use organic pears and eat the skin, since that’s where most of the anti-aging nutrients are.
  • Watery vegetables or fruits help with hydration, which in turn will make your skin look more youthful.
mens beauty tips 3

Tip #4

Get rid of the under eye bags & dark circles

(the tired/wasted look is not hot! )

I understand that some eye problems can be a result of fluid retention, or stress (in addition to the more obvious lack of sleep) and not always due to partying.
Here is a way to flush out some of the fluid to improve the look of your eyes.
Munch on celery!
Celery works in two ways: it acts like a mild diuretic to encourage excess fluid to leave the body and it reduces stress hormones.
Mens beauty tips 4
To attack problems from the outside, you can freeze spoons overnight and then apply them to your eye area every morning.
Chilled raw potato slices placed under the eyes for around 20 minutes can help reduce dark circles because they contain catecholase, a skin-lightening enzyme.
If you’re especially worried about aging and dry skin around your eyes, you can try an all-natural eye cream.






Tip #5

Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

(nothing say’s “Kiss Me” to a woman like beautiful white teeth)

Here’s another reason to lay off the coffee and black tea. They stain. Avoiding them will help you maintain your bright smile.

One of the biggest things women notice when they first meet a man, right after smooth, clear skin, is a gorgeous bright smile. It doesn’t matter if you’re male or female this is important.

Michelle Phan has a DIY recipe that uses strawberries to whiten teeth.

One word: strawberries.  That’s right – according to Michelle Phan and, strawberries contain malic acid, which acts as an astringent to remove surface discoloration on your teeth.  Next time your teeth need a pick-me-up, give this easy DIY treatment a try:

1 strawberry
½ tablespoon baking soda


1.) Crush the strawberry to a pulp-y consistency

2.) Add in baking soda until blended

3.) Use a soft toothbrush to spread the mixture onto your teeth

4.) Leave on for 3-5 minutes

5.) Rinse and brush thoroughly with toothpaste

6.) Floss out any stray strawberry seeds :)


NOTE: It’s best to apply this treatment only once a week – the acid can damage the enamel on your teeth if you overdo it.

No matter how often you clean your teeth, they can become stained from drinking tea, coffee, smoking, and eating certain foods. There are many different ways to whiten your teeth, but the cheapest and most common option is to use a whitening toothpaste: although it might take a little longer than other methods, it will give you a brighter smile in two to three weeks.



Tip #6

Manicures for Men

(Men with manicured hands are hot!)

Manicured nails look great on anyone!
When you’ve got black stuff crusted underneath your nails, your not turning any woman on!
When a woman encounters a man with uneven, dirty nails, she’s wondering where has that hand been?! 
Guys, this is not something you want.
Fortunately, you don’t have to break the bank to get yourself a good manicure. Your mother and your sister, if you have one, have been doing their own nails for years, and I am sure that they will gladly help you: all you have to do is ask. Plus, these days men go to nail salons to get their nails done all the time, so don’t think twice about it.

To enhance your well-manicured nails, a spot of clear nail polish or varnish will make them look even cleaner.

The Male Manicure





Tip #7


(all women like this!)

To shave, or not to shave is a matter of personal taste; if it feels right, then go ahead and do it, but if it doesn’t, then don’t. 
You can manage hair growth on body parts by trimming the hair now and then with scissors or an electric groomer, taking care not to endanger your chances of having children in the future.
If you do plan on removing unwanted body hair, read this article on manscaping for additional tips, there is also a video in the link for the first-timer.

Tip #8
Lose Weight with an Alkaline Diet
To lose weight, you need to give your body the best fuel, and eat foods that will help push the toxins out.Once you start to focus on whole, cleansing foods, your body will begin letting go of the fat that’s there to protect you from the chemicals and toxic waste you’ve accumulated from poor eating habits.Eat more foods that steer your body into a more alkaline state, which will help you drop the pounds more rapidly. Be sure to get more of these in your diet:
  • Leafy greens (including sea vegetables)
  • Ripe fruits
  • Sprouts
  • Non-starchy vegetables
  • Alkaline-forming grains, like quinoa and millet

You may also want to consider having a gravity-centered colonic to remove some of that old, acidic waste (never use laxatives for this purpose).

Consider incorporating a high alkaline diet along with moderate exercise into your lifestyle. Also, eat less fried and sugary foods.

Being healthy on the inside reflects on the outside guys!



When you look good, you feel good, and you are oozing confidence. Then all that is left is to enjoy your life.

If you need a product suggestion, or if you have a questions about this post, or about anything mentioned in this post leave a comment below.



Sophia Lenore

Oct 2014 29


The Prestige, by Sophia Lenore is currently recruiting U.S. talent!

If you are based in the U.S. and you work as:
- A Hair stylist
- A Makeup artist
- A Wardrobe stylist
- A Model
- A Photographer
- A Actor / Actress
Send me a private message.

If you are an artist, or a talent looking for work; or if you are trying to break into the industry; here is your chance to be apart of something special.

Talk to you all soon.

S. Lenore



Oct 2014 21



As a licensed hairstylist, I’ve seen it all when it comes to hair problems.
However, when it comes to Black women’s hair I give the toughest advice to help discourage bad styling habits.
Honestly, most women suffer from some type of hair problem.
However, few women know that they can have the hair they always wanted, if they learn to follow a few hair rules.
To get great hair, and maintain it – requires following a routine, and having a bit of discipline. 
If you are willing to change your bad hair habits, and commit to a healthy hair routine, you will have the hair you want -Guaranteed!
So, if you are ready to make a change, I am willing to hold your hand through the process.
If you have specific questions regarding your personal hair issues after reading this post, just leave me a comment below, and I will talk you through any problems or questions you may have.
Now, let’s get started.




Method 1 of 2: Keep Your Hair Healthy

1.) Keep your hair moisturized. 

This is by far the most important tip to growing long, strong, beautiful hair.
Black hair is naturally very curly, so oil from your roots takes a much longer time to travel down the strand towards the ends of your hair (which the oldest and most fragile part of the hair).
This means you need to spend more time managing the most damaged and dry part of your hair – the ends.
  • Always use conditioner every time you wash your hair. 
  • Look for conditioners that advertise the improvement of dry, damaged, or brittle hair. Apply the conditioner after each shampoo, and leave it in for 2-3 minutes before rinsing out.
  • Use a deep-conditioner every 1-2 weeks. Leave it in for at least 20 minutes with a plastic conditioning cap, and then rinse out.
  • You can make your own deep-conditioner at home. Although it may sound strange, mayonnaise is a wonderful deep-conditioner! Rub it into your hair, and leave in for 15 minutes. Rinse out the mayonnaise with your regular shampoo and conditioner. Repeat this every 1-2 weeks for ultra-soft hair.
  • Try a leave-in conditioner. This is a special kind of conditioner that can be rubbed into your hair after showering while it is still damp. It does not need to be rinsed out, it will also keep your hair from getting greasy-looking or piece-y. This can be done after every shower or between washes, whichever works better for your daily routine.


Soothing Massage 2.)

Use oil in your hair. 

Since it takes such a long time for your hairs’ natural oils to travel to the ends of your hair, infuse your hair with oils to supplement those your scalp already creates. However, AVOID petroleum and mineral oils.

  • Try using castor oil (or Jamaican black castor oil). This has been used for hundreds of years to increase the softness of your hair and aid in faster growth. Rub some oil between the palms of your hands, and run them through your hair to incorporate it to as much of your hair as possible.
  • Lavender oil is not only made from a popular flower, but has shown to improve hair growth up to 44% when rubbed into your locks. Use the oil on wet or dry hair in addition to other natural oils to help expedite your hairs’ growth process.
  • Moroccan oil is a new type of oil becoming very popular for its intense moisturization and de-tangling abilities. Although it can be pricy ($30 for a single bottle), reviews make it seem worth the cost. If you aren’t willing to pay that price, look for imitation versions for similar results at your local drugstore or beauty supply store.





Trim your hair when needed.

Although your goal is to grow your hair, fried hair ends can slow your natural hair growth process.
Trim your hair if your ends are split, or if your ends feel constantly dry to keep it in tip-top condition.
Only trim off the damaged hair don’t trim anymore than necessary.






Take vitamins that boost hair growth


There are many supplements and vitamins available for oral consumption which help your hair to grow very fast. This is optional.


  • Biotin is considered the best vitamin to take to boost hair growth. It is available in capsule form at many health food stores, or for purchase online. It helps to renew the cells in your hair, allowing the hair to grow longer, faster.
  • Vitamin B6 is a great supplement to take to aid in hair growth, as it blocks the testosterone receptors at your hairs’ roots. Too much testosterone released into your follicles makes hair become thin and slows growth. B6 blocks some of this testosterone, to help your hair grow faster.







Protect the ends of your hair. 

The ends of your hair is the most brittle and damaged (as they receive the least amount of natural oils), and are the most prone to breakage.
Leaving the hair down constantly increases the likelihood of breakage, so put your hair up sometimes to help prevent this.
  • Keep your hair in a bun using bobby pins to help keep your hair in place. If possible, don’t use a ponytail or rubber band, as these can break your hair when you remove them.
  • Braid your natural hair. This helps keep the ends of your hair from being exposed and damaged further. You can choose to do dozens of small braids, or a few large ones, but make sure you leave the ends free of ponytails so that you don’t rip out strands when you remove them.






Cover your hair whenever possible. 

To help your hair soak in the oil and nutrients you have been supplying it with, cover it in a satin or silk scarf, or in a bonnet.
Although you can’t do this all the time, wear one during the night to prevent damage from the elements.
  • Use a satin scarf, as this material does not absorb oil like cotton and other synthetic fabrics do.
  • Sleep on a satin pillowcase so that the oil from your hair doesn’t get sucked out while you sleep.






Try using a protein treatment.


These are products that add protein to your hair to fill in the parts of your strands that are broken or damaged.
Although they benefit hair only temporarily, they can help your hair to grow longer over time.
Ask about protein treatments at your favorite salon, or beauty supply store.
  • Protein treatments have the biggest positive effect in relaxed or treated hair, but can be used on natural hair as well.
  • When you are looking for a protein treatment, read the bottle. If a type of protein (animal or plant based) is not listed in the first five ingredients, it probably won’t do much to help your hair.
  • There is no difference between animal or plant based protein hair treatments.






Eat healthy foods.

Certain foods have proven to increase hair growth, and are great for nourishing your scalp and strands.
Try to eat more of these foods to get your hair growing strong and long!
  • Salmon, avocados, and pumpkin seeds are full of protein and omega-3 fatty acids which help you hair follicles to stay healthy.
  • Spinach, eggs, greek yogurt, and lentils are all great sources of protein which enrich the strands of the hair.
  • Blueberries are a source of vitamin C which is important for strong hair. Too little vitamin C leads to hair breakage.







Method 2 of 2: Avoid Damage


Avoid The Use Of Heating Tools

High temperatures make your hair dry and brittle, increasing the chances of breakage.
If you must use heat on your hair, try to limit it to once a week at most.
  • Allow hair to air dry whenever possible. The heat from blow dryers can be especially damaging, as it is combined with a strong blast of air – another culprit for hair damage. If you must blow dry your hair use cool air, not hot or warm air.
  • Keep the use of flat irons and curling irons to a minimum. Because these can heat upwards of 400 degrees Fahrenheit, you are literally cooking your hair.
Below you will find some heat-free styling methods:











Steer clear of hair color.

The chemicals in hair dye are a major cause of hair damage. Using dyes often can prevent hair growth,  and damage the entire strand of hair.
If possible, don’t dye your hair at all. However, if you must dye your hair, spend at least three months between hair dye sessions.






Spread out time between hair relaxing sessions.

If you get your hair relaxed, you know how damaging it can be to your hair. Although getting your hair relaxed frequently may be tempting in order to maintain straight locks, try to wait as long as you can between sessions.

  • Spending at least three months between hair relaxing treatments can help aid in hair growth.
  • If you are able and willing, try foregoing relaxing your hair for a natural look instead. This will not only give you versatility in your hairstyle, but increase your hair’s ability to grow faster.








Avoid real-life stressors.


Stress has shown to have a negative effect on hair growth and overall thickness, so do things to make your life as anxiety-free as possible.
Stay away from things that stress you out, and incorporate more things into your life that put you at peace.









Be gentle to your hair.

Although sleeping and daily activity can make your hair difficult to manage, don’t try to control it through power-brushing and a strong hand. Instead, be soft-handed to your hair to ease out tangles and knots.

  • Brush your hair slowly. This will help to reduce the amount of breakage your strands experience. Always begin brushing from the top, and work your way down. However when combing the hair do the opposite and comb from the ends up gently.
  • Use a comb or boar-bristle brush to brush your hair. Avoid using a brush that has knobs on the ends of bristles, as these can get caught in your hair and cause more damage.









Avoid wearing extensions and tight braids

( Or Wear With Care!)

I’m guilty of wearing extensions, braids and wigs sometimes; however I love to wear my natural hair out more often than wearing hair extensions.
I am the kind of woman who loves variety, but I limit these styles for certain occasions.
I do not wear these styles for long periods of time, also I do not wear these styles tightly applied!
If you occasionally wear extensions, braids, or wigs, it is important not to wear anything too tight, or anything that causes frictions to your hairline- THIS IS THE  MOST IMPORTANT THING TO AVOID!
If you apply these styles too tight it WILL cause stress on the roots of your hair, making the hair more likely to break from the root.
So, make sure you find a knowledgable hair stylist who knows how to protect your natural hair while wearing extensions or braids. Or, just avoid these styles completely.
If you choose to wear a nice wig occasionally, NEVER WEAR IT TO BED!
Wigs will cause friction on the scalp while you are sleeping. This WILL cause your hairline to become thin.
Also, only wear wigs on seldom occasions, never daily for long periods of time (you can wear wigs on special occasions to enhance a look), and remove the wig as soon as you get home! This is how you can prevent any damage to the hair. 
Never use lace front glue, or adhesive. They cause unavoidable damage! Only use hairpins to secure a wig.
Don’t use the combs attached to the wig, this will also cause unavoidable damage!

Photos of Celebrities with, and without there hair extensions, wigs or braids.

(The celebrities with damaged hair wear these styles too often, or too tight!)

Kim Kardashian with and without her hair extensions

Kim Kardashian with and without her hair extensions

Kim Kardashian showing thinning hair due to hair extensions

Kim Kardashian showing thinning hair due to hair extensions

kourtney kardashian

kourtney kardashian

singer Brandy with and without hair extensions

singer Brandy with and without hair extensions

Britne & Jordan showing damage due to hair extensions

Britney & Jordan showing damage due to hair extensions

Britney Spears showing damage due to hair extensions

Britney Spears showing damage due to hair extensions

Britney Spears showing damage due to hair extensions

Britney Spears showing damage due to hair extensions

singer Ciara with and without hair extensions

singer Ciara with and without hair extensions

Beyonce in one of her many wigs

Beyonce in one of her many wigs

Janet Jackson with and without hair extensions

Janet Jackson with and without hair extensions

 Hair extensions are always used during fashion shows

Hair extensions are always used during fashion shows

actress Gabrielle Union with and without hair extensions

actress Gabrielle Union with and without hair extensions

singer Beyonce without and without her wigs

singer Beyonce without and without her wigs

kourtney kardashian getting her extensions applied

Kourtney Kardashian getting extensions applied

Jennifer Love Hewitt getting her hair extensions

actress Jennifer Love Hewitt getting her hair extensions

actress Keke Palmer with and without hair extensions

actress Keke Palmer with and without hair extensions

singer Michelle Williams with and without hair extensions

singer Michelle Williams with and without hair extensions

rapper Nicki Minaj without her wigs

rapper Nicki Minaj without her wigs

rapper Nicki Minaj without her wigs

rapper Nicki Minaj without her wigs

actress Gabriel Union with and without hair extensions

actress Gabriel Union with and without hair extensions

actress Angela Simmons with and without hair extensions

actress Angela Simmons with and without hair extensions

actress Taraji B. Henson with and without hair extensions

actress Taraji B. Henson with and without hair extensions

 actress Raven Simone with and without hair extensions

actress Raven Simone with and without hair extensions

actress Sanaa Lathan with and without hair extensions

actress Sanaa Lathan with and without hair extensions

Model Tyra Banks with and without her wigs

Model Tyra Banks with and without her wigs

singer Solange Knowles with and without her wigs

singer Solange Knowles with and without her wigs

Again, if you have specific questions regarding your personal hair issues after reading this post, just leave me a comment below, and I will talk you through any problems, or questions you may have.

Sophia Lenore


May 2014 28

Hello Everyone!

I am currently hiring “Wardrobe stylists, Makeup artists & Hairstylists”.
The Prestige, by Sophia Lenore currently has paid jobs for Wardrobe stylists, Makeup artists & Hairstylist.

If you, or someone you know is an experienced Wardrobe stylist, Makeup artist or Hairstylist send me a private message here with a link to your portfolio to set up an interview. Or e-mail your portfolio to one of my e-mail addresses below.

Once selected information about the amount of payment, dates and job details will be revealed.


Dec 2012 03

Sophia Lenore’s Beauty, Health & Wellness Spa is home to Sophia Lenore, Professional Celebrity Hair & Makeup Artist. This beautiful modernly designed spa is located on the top floor of the luxurious Sofitel Hotel, a five star hotel in Berlin, Germany.

Sophia Lenore is a licensed professional hairstylist, makeup artist, nail care expert & facialist from America. Mrs. Lenore specialize’s in all hair types including Black/ African American hair-styling. Sophia Lenore’s Beauty, Health & Wellness Spa’s are conveniently located within 5 star hotels. For luxury and convenience a Sophia Lenore Spa is located at The Sofitel hotel & The Regent hotel in Berlin.

The Sophia Lenore Spa’s offer makeup applications, facials, nail care, hair-styling, massage, waxing and fitness training. All beauty & grooming services are provided in a private setting so that you can relax and obtain services in a more personable, relaxed & one on one environment.

As a licensed cosmetologist Sophia Lenore has a strong background in beauty & wellness, so she can accommodate all beauty and grooming needs for both men and women.

Food and refreshments are always served to clients while they are receiving beauty and wellness services. The Sophia Lenore Beauty, Health & Wellness Spa’s are beautifully decorated, very upscale, relaxing & private.

If you would like to have your hair, makeup, nails and skin taken care of by a true professional, and experience the best client service in all of Germany call for an appointment. For those interested in personal training call to schedule a private fitness session with a nutrition plan with one of our celebrity trainers at no monthly cost; just pay when you workout with no obligations. Satisfaction is guaranteed!


The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany


The Sofitel Berlin Gendarmenmarkt has been designed to the latest standards in comfort and modern design, and features a unique interplay between light and shadow by using glass and marble. Then, as you step out the door, you can admire the city’s most beautiful square and the workmanship of the German Cathedral, the French Cathedral and the Berlin Concert Hall. As for convenience, the hotel is ne

ar the main exhibition centre and not far from the airport.The 92 rooms and suites offer modern comfort with modern design. The Sofitel Berlin is particularly well equipped to handle business events, with 4 conference rooms with seating for up to 110 attendees. The floor in the futuristic Delphinium room is illuminated, bathing the room in gentle light.With its top-notch location and designer accommodation, the Sofitel Berlin Gendarmenmarkt is the ultimate choice for anyone either seeking to uncover the German capital’s gems or wishing to conduct business in an elegant atmosphere!
Sophia Lenore Spa @
The Sofitel Hotel Berlin
Charlottenstrasse 50-52
10117 Berlin, Germany
Phone: 0157 878 23 720
The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, GermanyThe Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, GermanyThe Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany


The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany


The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sophia Lenore Spa at The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sophia Lenore Spa at The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sophia Lenore Spa at The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sophia Lenore Spa at The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sophia Lenore Spa at The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sophia Lenore Spa at The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sophia Lenore Spa at The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sophia Lenore Spa at The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sophia Lenore Spa at The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sophia Lenore Spa at The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sophia Lenore Spa at The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sophia Lenore Spa at The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sophia Lenore Spa at The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sophia Lenore Spa at The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sophia Lenore Spa at The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Sophia Lenore Spa at The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Gym at The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Gym at The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Gym at The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

The Gym at The Sofitel Hotel Berlin, Germany

Sophia Lenore’s Beauty, Health & Wellness at 

The Sofitel Hotel
Charlottenstrasse 50-52
+49 (0) 157 787 23 720

Sophia Lenore’s Beauty, Health & Wellness at
Charlottenstraße 49
10117 Berlin, Germany
T. +49 (0) 157 787 23 720

Sophia Lenore
Sophia Lenore Salon & Spa for Beauty, Health & Wellness 
Professional Celebrity Hair & Makeup Artist 
CEO and Art Director, Sophia Lenore Productions 
E-Book 1: 
E-Book 2:




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